Friday, February 2, 2018

It's a Wonder

I was wondering a few days back - If one compiles all the Knowledge that Gurudev has given in the last so many years - audio cds, videos, books, satsang talks, courses - it will take a lifetime to just go through that Knowledge, forget about grasping it and internalising it. And I am not even counting the innumerable unrecorded talks that He has given. I wondered - from where has all this Knowledge come to Him? It can't be from memory since it is impossible for a human mind to memorise so much knowledge. It's not that He prepares Himself beforehand, because there is no time in between His sessions, and He is surrounded by people all the time. Further, much of His knowledge is in the form of question answers, which can't be prepared beforehand. So where does all this Knowledge come to Him from? Which is this invisible source that He taps into and comes out with these pearls of wisdom? Where did Buddha, Adi Shankaracharya, Jesus, and all the Masters of the past get their knowledge from? It may be hidden, but I have experienced this unseen source in my own little way as well. When I am taking an Art of Living course, or conducting a chanting or meditation session, I sometimes end up saying things that I can never come up with normally. In that energy, such simple examples and profound wisdom come up so spontaneously. Later, when I think about it, I wonder how it happened, and how could I, of all the people, give such knowledge. This Universe is a wonder, this life is a wonder, and how I came on to this path is a wonder. Will I ever get to know how and why? I wonder! :)

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